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As part of our Research Analytics Branch, the NIH Library provides access to bioinformatics analysis tools and databases, that support the analysis of high-throughput data such as next generation sequencing data, as well as software to help in the interpretation of the results of these analyses. Additionally, the Library provides access to two high-performance bioinformatics workstations optimized for analysis of high-throughput data. 

What We Do

High-Performance Computing

Two high-performance workstations are available in the NIH Library and can also be booked for remote use. These computers are dedicated to high-throughput analysis and may be reserved online. There are two Windows 10, 48-64 GB RAM, 8 cores, and 2 TB storage.

Analysis Tools and Databases

Resources cover both raw data analysis such as next generation sequencing data and further refinement of these results using pathway analysis, variant filtering, or other methods.